We visit Blue Ribbon Sew & Vac
A: It has to be in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the snow doesn't melt until April!
The months of cold and snow give customers of Blue Ribbon Sew 'N Vac in Fairbanks lots of time to make wonderful things.
Susan Phillips and husband John purchased the business two years ago and sell four sewing machine brands plus two brands of vacuum cleaners. As you can imagine John is kept busy keeping all in running order.
Susan's forte is bringing the latest fabric and notions to the shelves. She does much of the investigating to find new fabrics online but also does purchasing through fabric distributor's representatives.
And as Susan will tell you, samples sell. She tries all the Eazy Peazy patterns and displays her creations with the patterns, making it easy for her customers to see what can be accomplished.
Learn more about Susan's shop on her web site http://www.blueribbonsewing.com/